Understanding the new generation of consumers with an integrated CRM
Avis Easteal
Regional Head of Consumer, LUXASIA
What is your expectations to consumers willingness to continue sharing data?
As collectors of data we need to make sure that consumers understand what they get in return for sharing, how we will use their data and how we will protect their data. We have a strong content focussing on education and reward backed up by clear statements on privacy and security. Consumers adore our brands and want to learn more, because we take our obligations seriously and our consumers trust us to be responsible we see no issues with consumers continuing to share. Our consumers can easily unsubscribe at any time, this is a key trust statement.
With more and more personalisation in messaging to different segments, has the brand ever made an error in personalising the wrong message to your planned segment? How has the brand took steps to recover from these situations?
We have had one small error in 4 years across all our brands – we do 600+ campaigns a month. We re-messaged, apologised and corrected. There were no customer complaints and our unsubscribe rate was not impacted. Digital is fast, to err is human, accepting responsibility is key to keeping consumers engaged. We have a robust QA process that was updated after this incident. With marketing there is a responsibility to consumers and our brands to get this right, but consumers are forgiving if you openly correct the issue. They rightly do not respond well to obstrification, consumers are smart and they must be treated with respect and openness. I’m rather proud of our quality KPI results.